(305) 358-7688
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Client Reviews

“ The firm makes a great team, feels like family. Authentic to Miami area, skillful and super professional. Helped me tremendously through difficult times. No regrets. Simply one of the top 10 family law attorneys in South Florida.”

Former Client

Client Reviews

“I don't have enough words to describe how amazing the experience with Brady Law Firm was. I could not have asked for better services. From the moment I first called until my case was over, I was at ease that I had made the right choice. Thank you to Brady Law Firm for working on my case as you did, very professional and caring. I’m extremely grateful for this victory. This firms dedication and commitment is priceless.”

Former Client

Client Reviews

The attorneys at Brady Law Firm provide Excellent and genuine counsel. Expect to have a dedicated team who is responsive and transparent every step of the way. The most valuable part of the experience is their patience as you navigate the difficult journey that a divorce proceeding entails. Divorce is expensive, emotional and the court system just sees you as a case number – having excellent counsel is a must. I highly recommend this firm!

Megan Castro

Client Reviews

“I received excellent representation from Mr. Brady and his incredible staff. My case was very complicated but they went right to work and my family is so much better off. They have also been there when other issues have arisen. I recommend Brady Law Firm to everyone I know.”

Angela Garcia

Client Reviews

“I am so happy with my decision to hire Brady Law Firm. My case was complicated but Mr. Brady and the staff took action quickly, filed my case and maneuvered through the tough issues. The process was not easy but we reached a favorable settlement. Everyone in the firm was knowledgeable, caring and reliable. My family and I are thankful and I know they will help me again if needed”

Mason Fitzgerald

Client Reviews

“The firm makes a great team, feels like family. Something you'd expect from family attorney's office. Authentic to Miami area, but serve other South Florida counties. Skilful and super professional. Helped me tremendously through difficult times. His firm was referred to me by another attorney. No regrets. Simply one of the top 10 family law attorneys in South Florida.”

Alexey Bekin

Client Reviews

“I am so happy with this law firm! Attorney William Brady and his assistants handled my child custody case. They were great! Really helpful and always answered my concern within 24 hours. I highly recommend their services.”

Betty Jones

Client Reviews

“I was very impressed with the service I received at Brady Law Firm.
Mr Brady did an amazing job on my family case. They were always available when I had any questions about the process. He is a very knowledgeable and honest lawyer.”

Jose Fitzpatrick

Client Reviews

“The lawyers at Brady Law Firm provided excellent service and professionalism with my family case. All my expectations were met. I really appreciated the firm's constant follow up and staying on top of my case.”

Mariana Sanchez

Client Reviews

“Mr. Brady and his team helped me tremendously with my divorce,they were always well-prepared, organized, and supportive throughout my whole process.I would highly recommend this firm, especially if your significant other is bitter towards your divorce.”

Jennifer Rodriguez

Client Reviews

“I recently used Brady Law Firm and must rave about how efficient, responsive and compassionate the entire firm was with regards to handling my divorce case. This applies not only to Mr. Brady, who had his finger on the pulse throughout my case, but also the Associate Attorney, Stephanie Newell and the office staff. They put my mind at ease and handled this case expeditiously.”

Katharine Diaz

Client Reviews

“I don't have enough words to describe how amazing the experience with Brady Law Firm was. I could not have asked for better services. From the moment I first called until my case was over, I was at ease that I had made the right choice. Thank you to Brady Law Firm for working on my case as you did, very professional and caring. I’m extremely grateful for this victory. This firms dedication and commitment is price less.”

Leslie Rubero

The attorneys and staff of Brady Law Firm, P.A., are available to discuss your unique circumstances. Call us at: (305) 358-7688

What is Lorem Ipsum 2

by | Oct 14, 2020

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec lobortis bibendum odio in ultrices. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Vestibulum at orci sit amet leo viverra aliquam ultrices ultrices orci. Sed dignissim, ligula eu tempor tincidunt, nunc purus blandit mi, sit amet euismod lacus nunc vel enim. Nunc dignissim venenatis quam, quis facilisis augue elementum eget. Donec iaculis dolor eu vehicula commodo. Nam tempus sapien nisi, ac dapibus tortor dignissim in. Sed tempor augue eu eros lobortis, vitae blandit dui hendrerit. Fusce consectetur lorem ex, eget pulvinar nibh iaculis blandit. Etiam scelerisque viverra volutpat. In lacus ex, euismod nec commodo quis, porttitor sit amet turpis. Sed varius quam quis nisi luctus varius. Duis turpis metus, pellentesque vitae ullamcorper et, pretium sit amet risus. Curabitur non ullamcorper libero. Integer porttitor eu sem quis scelerisque. Duis cursus ullamcorper libero, ut luctus mi tristique nec.

Aliquam erat volutpat. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Proin tristique orci blandit orci posuere, eget vulputate mi facilisis. Fusce scelerisque viverra tortor, vel aliquet nulla elementum et. Quisque ligula ipsum, congue id orci nec, scelerisque euismod ex. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Fusce fermentum auctor feugiat. Mauris luctus tortor a commodo placerat. Nunc posuere vestibulum mauris id interdum. Quisque iaculis tortor at elit venenatis vulputate nec at orci. In malesuada tellus bibendum sapien imperdiet, et tristique nulla auctor. Sed maximus mattis semper. Mauris non pretium dolor. Fusce dictum, purus eget pharetra maximus, velit eros imperdiet ex, vestibulum tristique libero purus sed ante. Fusce dui nisi, suscipit at sodales sit amet, pharetra eget magna.

Aliquam eget leo vitae dui ornare elementum sed eget ex. Nulla in libero ut ipsum elementum lobortis. Donec diam magna, pretium a congue at, pulvinar at ipsum. Ut a tortor vitae arcu porta aliquet id in nunc. Mauris a tincidunt magna. Aenean sit amet feugiat urna, in feugiat felis. Donec arcu neque, finibus vehicula ipsum quis, iaculis pellentesque quam. Praesent semper ultricies nibh vitae accumsan. Proin lobortis urna et ante porttitor venenatis.

Mauris suscipit, dui ut pretium bibendum, magna sem condimentum mi, sed vestibulum nibh augue vel ante. Sed ac justo id felis bibendum rutrum vel eu mauris. Quisque vitae pellentesque libero, eu ultrices odio. Pellentesque neque nunc, suscipit sit amet lacus nec, bibendum cursus dui. Pellentesque rutrum lorem vel nibh scelerisque faucibus. Quisque sodales diam in nisl ornare faucibus. Morbi luctus massa sit amet nisl molestie, nec bibendum dui viverra. Duis rhoncus quam nunc, eu iaculis orci maximus vel. Donec gravida ac nulla sit amet cursus.

Suspendisse semper ex vitae est laoreet suscipit. Quisque et ornare ipsum. Donec eget ante urna. Etiam a nulla eget ligula varius dictum. In eget est viverra, finibus quam et, sagittis massa. Pellentesque arcu elit, dictum eu facilisis nec, consectetur nec sapien. Etiam vel luctus lectus. In ullamcorper consectetur nunc, auctor pharetra leo lobortis quis. Pellentesque leo ipsum, hendrerit ut nulla eget, tempus vulputate odio. Quisque et placerat lectus, vel sagittis leo.

Client Reviews

“ The firm makes a great team, feels like family. Authentic to Miami area, skillful and super professional. Helped me tremendously through difficult times. No regrets. Simply one of the top 10 family law attorneys in South Florida.”

Former Client

Client Reviews

“I don't have enough words to describe how amazing the experience with Brady Law Firm was. I could not have asked for better services. From the moment I first called until my case was over, I was at ease that I had made the right choice. Thank you to Brady Law Firm for working on my case as you did, very professional and caring. I’m extremely grateful for this victory. This firms dedication and commitment is priceless.”

Former Client

Client Reviews

The attorneys at Brady Law Firm provide Excellent and genuine counsel. Expect to have a dedicated team who is responsive and transparent every step of the way. The most valuable part of the experience is their patience as you navigate the difficult journey that a divorce proceeding entails. Divorce is expensive, emotional and the court system just sees you as a case number – having excellent counsel is a must. I highly recommend this firm!

Megan Castro

Client Reviews

“I received excellent representation from Mr. Brady and his incredible staff. My case was very complicated but they went right to work and my family is so much better off. They have also been there when other issues have arisen. I recommend Brady Law Firm to everyone I know.”

Angela Garcia

Client Reviews

“I am so happy with my decision to hire Brady Law Firm. My case was complicated but Mr. Brady and the staff took action quickly, filed my case and maneuvered through the tough issues. The process was not easy but we reached a favorable settlement. Everyone in the firm was knowledgeable, caring and reliable. My family and I are thankful and I know they will help me again if needed”

Mason Fitzgerald

Client Reviews

“The firm makes a great team, feels like family. Something you'd expect from family attorney's office. Authentic to Miami area, but serve other South Florida counties. Skilful and super professional. Helped me tremendously through difficult times. His firm was referred to me by another attorney. No regrets. Simply one of the top 10 family law attorneys in South Florida.”

Alexey Bekin

Client Reviews

“I am so happy with this law firm! Attorney William Brady and his assistants handled my child custody case. They were great! Really helpful and always answered my concern within 24 hours. I highly recommend their services.”

Betty Jones

Client Reviews

“I was very impressed with the service I received at Brady Law Firm.
Mr Brady did an amazing job on my family case. They were always available when I had any questions about the process. He is a very knowledgeable and honest lawyer.”

Jose Fitzpatrick

Client Reviews

“The lawyers at Brady Law Firm provided excellent service and professionalism with my family case. All my expectations were met. I really appreciated the firm's constant follow up and staying on top of my case.”

Mariana Sanchez

Client Reviews

“Mr. Brady and his team helped me tremendously with my divorce,they were always well-prepared, organized, and supportive throughout my whole process.I would highly recommend this firm, especially if your significant other is bitter towards your divorce.”

Jennifer Rodriguez

Client Reviews

“I recently used Brady Law Firm and must rave about how efficient, responsive and compassionate the entire firm was with regards to handling my divorce case. This applies not only to Mr. Brady, who had his finger on the pulse throughout my case, but also the Associate Attorney, Stephanie Newell and the office staff. They put my mind at ease and handled this case expeditiously.”

Katharine Diaz

Client Reviews

“I don't have enough words to describe how amazing the experience with Brady Law Firm was. I could not have asked for better services. From the moment I first called until my case was over, I was at ease that I had made the right choice. Thank you to Brady Law Firm for working on my case as you did, very professional and caring. I’m extremely grateful for this victory. This firms dedication and commitment is price less.”

Leslie Rubero


Understanding How Our Courts Determine Alimony or Spousal Support

Alimony is also known as “spousal support”. This form of support is appropriate in some cases, depending upon the specific circumstances. The court has broad discretion to determine entitlement, the amount of alimony to be paid and the duration or length of the alimony period. The court has broad discretion but is required to consider certain factors when reaching a decision. I will briefly describe those factors below.